A Queen for Eternity - Saint Elizabeth of Portugal's Story
A Queen for Eternity - Saint Elizabeth of Portugal's Story

A Queen for Eternity - Saint Elizabeth of Portugal's Story

SKU: 978-989-35890-4-5

Isabel of Aragon, Queen of Portugal, sincere, kind and compassionate, accompanies and encourages King Dinis’s greatest dream of making Portugal the most prosperous kingdom on the Iberian Peninsula. In wonder, she witnesses all his governing and visionary faculties as well as his capacities as a poet, a scholar and an artist. The admiration she feels for her husband knows no limits.

Together they head towards a unique combination of success in the government, and the transformation and modernization of the kingdom. However, some dark clouds appear on the horizon, which threaten to disturb the sovereigns’ peace and happiness. They will need all their wisdom and courage to face them.

Dinis and Isabel witness their heir's unhealthy jealousy towards one of his siblings, while at the same time, they helplessly witness their beloved kingdom slip into a violent civil war that only Isabel with her holy and wise mediation, will be able to avoid.


Tradução para francês: Maria Cristina Sousa

ISBN: 978-989-35890-4-5

Dimensões:15 x 22

Encadernação: Capa mole

Páginas: 373

Maria Cristina Sousa nasceu no Porto. Frequentou a Faculdade de Letras do Porto, onde se licenciou em Filologia Germânica. Atualmente leciona numa escola da cidade do Porto. A sua paixão por história, nomeadamente por História de Portugal, fez com que se dedicasse a profundos estudos sobre vários temas históricos.